My name is Remy Bubba Kush and I am a Homo Sapien Man and currently CO-Stewarding the Planet Earth and all of its inhabitants WE THE PEOPLE call EARTHLINGS. I am a resident of the North American Continent and more specifically the Western United States of America. I am a Scientist, Conservationist, Historian, Photographer, and Documentarian. Above all I am an ILLUMINATOR…..of TRUTH. At age 12 in preparation for the Eagle Scout Award I started this defacto environmental project and foundation (what you are beginning to see brought online here). Much of what you see here at REMYBUBBAKUSH.ORG is what I have gathered along that multi-decade journey. I did receive the Eagle Scout Award, 110 Merit Badges, 16 Eagle Palms, and then was Honorarily Inducted into the Order of The Arrow. Scouting was a great start for me as a scientist and man. I see no better publicly available program to train boys to become Gentlemen on Earth than the Scouting Program despite its many issues after having been infiltrated by a well known Mass American Pedophile Ring. That was a major targeting and I was one of the Children who was damaged severely. I never throw the baby out with the bathwater.
I never intended to utilize this space for anything but my ecological conservation work and the photographs/documentaries that I produce while working the Sacred land of Earth (field notes). Unfortunately censorship by our deep, dark enemy in the Xtinctionists have forced this space to be shared. From today forward Bubba’s Blog will strictly be a way for me to share my thoughts and lessons as an ENLIGHTENER while I criss cross the country on the Cleaning Up America Tour.
In my past I put up your American flags on every holiday and took great pride in doing so with every single home, and every single flag. I have fed you, I have delivered a ton of your food (maybe a few tons), I have washed your dishes, I have laid your sod and then mowed it, I have cleaned your carpets in your home and your car/truck, I have fully detailed your automobiles and made them shine inside and out, I have cooked your dinner to then deliver it to then wash the dishes before I closed the restaurant, I have stocked your groceries while you slept, I have repaired your automobiles when they were broken down or in an accident and helped you get back on the road, I have removed nearly 2 million pieces of your litter from the Earth, I have trimmed your trees and planted MAGICAL new friends in your yards and places of business, I have helped you prepare for winter or the cleanup of your leaves and gutters, I have cleaned your toilets and restrooms, I have deep cleaned your restaurants and commercial buildings at night so they were spick and span for the next day of business, I have taken seeds and grown them to maturity and helped feed you, I have helped frame your homes and commercial buildings. I am one of you. I am even one with you at times. I love serving YOU and others and will never stop. I was born on my GG’s dairy and alfalfa farm in Adamsville, Utah where I learned to love to sleep in denim. I am blue collar through and through and haven’t left it even though I had the choice. I am a working man. I am down to Earth and have a SACRED CONNECTION with HER AND ALL CREATION. I live on and work the land hard. This website and its offerings are how I best serve others now.